Land Your Leads Intensive
Create, Fill and Promote Your Collaborative Event and have leads full of ideal clients flowing to you.
I will teach you the start to finish process of collaborations including...
What type of collaboration to do
Who to collaborate with
The MUST HAVE details on your sales pages
How to guarantee you have a flow of leads coming directly from it
Optimizing your promotion even when YOU don't have an audience
How to leverage your collaborations to create passive income
The #1 method to generate sales straight away
By the end of the intensive you will have built out your collaborative event and know exactly where your leads are coming from WITHOUT spending a penny on AD's.
Claim your 90% discount to Land Your Leads Intensive using this code - LYL2023
Land your Leads is a paid programme to give you the know how and strategy to create a collaborative event to support you bringing in leads into your business. The number of quality leads you generate will be down to the effort and time you put in along with the relationships you build. There is no set number of leads guaranteed and all those shown on the day have been personally created by Johanne and her clients